Newsarama: You’ve voiced your displeasure over Hollywood using your characters for their own ends. But isn’t that what you do yourself with the literary characters in League of Extraordinary Gentlemen?
Alan Moore: No, no, no, that is a misunderstanding of the gripe I’ve got with Hollywood. If someone wanted to take a work of mine and adapt it to another medium to which it was not suited, then what I was objecting to was the fact that there was no real reason to adapt any of my work other than to make money; it was taking The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, bringing out a film called “The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen” and then including a story and characters that had precious little to do with anything that me or Kevin ever originally came up with. And I’ve got no problem with them doing that, as long as my name was not connected with these films and I wasn’t getting any money for them. And I would suggest that there is quite a difference between doing an adaptation of somebody’s work, which is something that I haven’t done, and extending the lives of fictional characters into new narratives, which is something that I’ve got no objection to and which is something writers going as far back as Jules Verne have done. More people than Lewis Carroll wrote books about Alice in Wonderland. They did it an awful lot with Lemuel Gulliver, and I’ve got nothing against that tradition at all. If someone has got something creative that they wanted to do with V for Vendetta or Swamp Thing that would move them beyond whatever the original characters are, I have no objection with that, particularly since I don’t own either of those characters that I’ve just mentioned. I hope that that doesn’t sound evasive. It’s perhaps a subtle point.
extraido al pego de una entrevista a Alan Moore en Newsarama a razon de su reciente the league of extraordinary gentlemen black dossier, del cual solo me entero a decir:
-que parece el vol. III de la Liga de caballeros pero que, al uso, no lo es, porque continua la historia (aunque con varios flashbacks o apendices que remontan encarnaciones pasadas de la Liga) con el argumento que Moore decía de tomar tras el vol. II PERO...
-que es un libro propio a partir de su mismo formato, que se edita tal cual, sin haber sido publicado en comic-books, y con juegecitos de diseño muy elaborados al parecer, que incluyen un vinilo de 7 pulgadas y una "sección 3-d".
Nota mia: hasta que no lo vea en mis propias manos no terminaré de entender de que va porque, en otras palabras, yo soy un mono y Moore el monolito.
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